Sunday, December 6, 2009

32K ...Cruise Control

I was about to do my LSD Outside this afternoon but decided to take it indoors instead! It was snowy , blowy and about freezing but I just wasn't up to a long winter run ...yet! So I grabbed some movies, gummies and gator aide and headed off to the comfort of the great indoors. To get over my metal about blowing up at 26K in the Hamilton Marathon I decided to go 32K today at my 4:55 Marathon pace. No hills. traffic , pot holes and weather sure makes it allot easier but I really needed to go the extra distance today. For a little additional entertainment I wore my HRM to see what the old ticker was up too!

So , it was a 1K warm up with 30K at 4:55 pace then a 1K cool down. The HR started in the low 130's and ended in the high 140's. I fueled by eating gummies and drank 1 bottle of Gator Aide. I weighed my self after and I lost about 3lbs. I never felt like I was getting really tired , it was a very gradual onset but I am sure I had another 5-10K at the same pace in me. If I wasn't pressed for time and racing next weekend I may have done another 10K!!!!!! I ran out of gator aide at 25K and decided to not jump off to get more. I think the increase in HR is more to do with not drinking enough. I am going to do the same run in the near future with 3 times the fluid intake and the same amount of delicious gummies!

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