Thursday, July 24, 2008

16K today

Great , great eve for a run. Headed out at 8pm, temps were
a pleasant 20C and finally low humidity. 3K on the road, 3K on a trail another 7K on a road ( 2K tar and chip 5K gravel) then 3K on a tractor trail ( kinda like a trail).

When I hit the trail I felt as though I was floating, like I just shed half my body weight! This was around the 20 or so minute mark ... too early for the "runners high". Maybe it had something to do with working mids and sleeping all day ... maybe it was the effect of the gravol I used to help me sleep today!

Anyway I did 16K at a 5:31 pace, for the most part I picked it up a little the longer I got into the run. Did a couple of stints of really hard fast running ... it was fun.

I have been working on picking up the pace. The LSDs were slowing me down , I now know that I can run 30K with out any problems. Now that I have the distance thing down I am going to work on picking up the pace a little.

Will try to get another run in tomorrow then forget about it on the weekend ... 2 12 hour mids plus is already have 64Km on the books this week , a small 10K added to that total would be good!

Next week I am going to try to get in some back to back distant runs , Tues 30K and Wed 21K. After that I will take it easy until the 6Hour Dirty Girls.


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