Tuesday, July 29, 2008

28K LSD Today

Haven't done this distance in a couple of weeks due to the ankle injury. Warm start, 26C a bit humid and no wind... I knew I was in for a warm beginning!
My two 12 year old boys started out with me on their bikes! There is a big hill at 1/3K , I said to them if I can run up here you can at least walk your bikes ... they were up to the challenge ! At the 2K mark they were done , an turned back home , putting things into prospective I said "bye , I have 28K and 2.5 hours to go"
8K down the 2nd and I am at the park. I can always tell how the rest of the run is going to go at this point!!!! The legs were great , had lots of energy but I was a little too hot! In to the park I drop, hit the trail, nice to be in the shade but I really have to watch where I step.... no more twisted ankles. Crossed the Saugeen on the foot bridge at the first dam, water looked inviting . there were a few folks at the beach and some teens jumping off the bridge. Ran past the school , past Tim Hortons , the Beer Store followed the river to the Ball Diamonds , there was a couple of games going on. As I passed the Soccer Field I noticed the concession was open , ran over and ask of they sold Gator or Power Aid ... I was in luck! I knew I carried a bit of change with me just in case. At first I choose a Lime drink, it was a no name sports drink .... told the young girl working that it didn't have enough electrolytes and choose an Orange Gator Aid instead . I had a full bottle of water with Raspberry GU but it wasn't enough to get me back to the park for water !!!!!! The Gator aid really picked me up and off I went ... charging actually! Headed through town and off through the park again. Had a quick pit stop at the facilities in then off I went back up the second!
It was a slower pace 6:08/Km but considering the heat and the 2 weeks between LSDs it wasn't so bad. Tomorrow I want to do a 16 or 21K er !

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