Friday, August 15, 2008

Fast 10K Road after dark

Wow, I feel like I have learned to run fast again. Did my 10K straight north on the 2nd out 5K and back at a really fast 4:40 pace ! It feels really good to run fast again!
It was a moon lit night and a cool 15C , very nice. As I headed north there was a flash of lightening up towards Owen Sound, very far away. It really feels neat running in the dark, you feel like you are flying ! At 3K there is a long gradual rise over close to a K. I tried to maintain my pace in spite of going uphill, got a really good burn on in the legs as I approached the top of the climb.... 30m up in 800m! At the 5K mark I turned around , was now running South , facing a Full Moon when the tress were not blocking the view. Ran looking up at the clouds/moon and stars.... couldn't see where i was planting my feet so what the heck! Had some Flem stuck at the 6K mark that was rather bothersome to clear, a couple of Ks latter I was breathing better again.
After the run I felt great , really great like I am ready to do a 10K in under 45 min again!!!!!! Maybe I will do the 8K Sauble Race next weekend.

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