Saturday, September 27, 2008

Last run before the Half Sunday

Friday was yet another perfect running afternoon, 24C and Sunny. The leaves are really starting to come down. This really creates another hazard on the trail , the leaves are starting to hid rock/roots and other possible Ankle twisting potential! Took it real easy , felt good... kept holding back. Last few "Shorter" races I went out a week before and did some speed work , this really wasn't a good idea because on race day I was slower.

Its my first 1/2 Sunday , a guaranteed PB as this is the first time I have raced this one. My goal are to have a negative split and finish in 1:45 but realistically it its an amazing day it will be 1:3X , a very good day 1:4X, a good day 1:5X or maybe I am not sure what happened day more then 2:XX... we will see.

Looking forward to the " Big City" run , 7K in the 1/2 and nearly that much again in the full. It will probably be a 1/2 Km just to reach the start mat! Not looking forward to is getting up at 3:00 am for the 2.5 hour drive!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you achieved your goal! 1:44 is a great time to be sure, and a negative split as planned. Congratulations!
