Wednesday, October 22, 2008

10K on the road today

Its 4 days since the 50K at Vulture Bait and I was ready for a
run. Beautiful day , Sun , Crisp 3C with a stiff breeze from the North. For the first time since spring I wore running pants. No particular goal to day , just follow what ever the body wanted to do. Normally I go out a little faster for these "short" runs. First 6.4K was uneventful then WHAM , my right knee started to hurt!
After Vulture Bait it was really really sore up until today. The problems started after a 600 meter trail section with a 20m up and then down. Its a rough trail with lots of erosion but I was real careful today. For the next 4K I would run easy , when it hurt I would walk it off then back to running again. Walked the last K in its entirety. Not sure whats up but I will back off for a couple of days and not run until the weekend. Other then the knee I felt pretty good.

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