Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Getting ready for Vulture Bait

Three days until my 50K Vulture Bait Trail Run. Training plans have been ....

-Scotia Half Sept 28 1:44:48
-6 Days later Oct 4 Run for the Toad 25K Trail 2:24

- Oct 5 thru Oct 12 , 7 Days of excessive drinking and 5 almost 10K runs at 30+C on the beach!

-Oct 13-17 , get sober, sleep allot and eat like hell!

Oct 18 , the plan is to survive. I had been averaging 3 30K runs/month May through Sept...hopefully it will pay off. I know if I haven't run long for a couple of weeks it seems allot tougher. 12 days Before my last Ultra I ran a 28K LSD at a 6:08 pace , this time it 14 days since my last LSD that was 25K at a 5:56 pace ( Toad Trail Race). I expect that I should have a similar run to Dirty Girls!

The plan is to go out easy, being a relatively flat run I think a 6 min pace for the first 25K and then try to maintain it for the next 20K then if there is anything left pick it up for the last 5K. Its also all about nutrition, starting at 30 minutes I will take in nutrition. No water , all sport drinks...plan on a brief stop at all aid stations and take in something. At 30K I have a power bar to munch on , at 40K I have a caffeine gel. Its all about carbs , electrolytes and hydration!

My Gold Medal day is a 5 hour run, Silver is 5:30 and a bronze is 6:00. This is only the second time going this far , realistically and think it will be somewhere around a Silver and that's quiet OK by me , I will be happy just to finish.

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