Saturday, October 4, 2008

Run For the Toad 25K Trail Race 4/10/2008

I am the last one in, Green Shell/Buff

Run for the Toad Oct 4 2008 was a blast! Did 25K in 2:24:23 / Garmin Time. It was so cold at the start , I was fickled pants or shorts ! Opted for shorts an hour before the race an it was the right thing to do. Had shorts/compression shirt and a shell plus gloves and buff to top it off. Wasn't too cold at the start , it didn't take long for me to unzip the jacket and lose the gloves. Wore the jacket through the entire race , temps was 10C at the finish. The race started slow , I was really tyring to keep it to a 6 min pace for the first half and then what ever I had left after that. The strategy worked , split was close to 1:13:20/1:11:12 .... I am pleased!

The course was generally rolling , Garmin said +/-1037/1040 for elevation. It was a slow start but that was quiet fine with me and helped to achieve the negative split. Folks were pretty quiet on the course , at the 16K mark I shouted " Anyone seen the Toad yet " ... someone piped up and thanked my for breaking the silence , I am not sure if they were being sarcastic or not! Kidded around with some other folks , this one fellow would pass me on the flats , I blew by him on the downhills ... this probably went on for at least 5K. I joked with this women in front of me that she was my target , we switched positions a few times and as she passed me near the end she said " who's the target now ". Lots of fun ... felt quiet fatigued the last couple of Ks , I was passed by a half dozen or so folks ... this was the first time in the second loop that this happened! I did mange to catch the group and was able to pass three of them in the last few hundred meters. As is usual for me I picked a fellow to race at the end but he wasn't into to it and all I managed to do was shave a few seconds off , good enough for me.

Overall it was fun , I didn't stick around for the meal. I had to leave because I am taking off on vacation tonight and had to get home thus the abbreviated race report.

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