Sunday, November 23, 2008

13K today

It was another perfect day in Grey , Sunny Sky's, Temp -3C and just a slight breeze from the SW. Stretched it out another 3 K today , pace was just slightly faster 5:37 but the BIG difference was the heart rate. Yesterday it averaged 157 today was 150 and I introduced an extra 40m hill! I think I may have been a bit dehydrated yesterday! The right Knee started up at 3K , thought about turning back but I figured what the heck ... its do or die. I took it easy on the hills and things improved. When I was done there was no ill effect , yesterday I was in pain and had trouble walking! I was fine after a 90 minutes in the Hot Tub ! I have run though aches and pains before , I don't think there is much wrong ...just one of those things.

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