Sunday, January 25, 2009

10K today

I was going to go Alpine skiing today but my son was sick so we didn't go. I wanted to run and was thinking about a 16K indoors , its a 20 minute drive to the Gym so I thought what the heck , I'll take it outside again! -13C , moderate snow and a bit of a breeze... a perfect day eh!

Wore my Acics lined winter tech shirt , a Patagonia Tech over top ... both long sleeve and the my shell. Add Adidas Clima Cool pants , heavy Thorlos socks , Acis trail shoes, running gloves and a Buff. Believe it or not it was perfect , wasn't cold, wasn't hot... just right. One thing that was difference was no water bottle. I had been using a hand held bottle ... not a good idea in the frigid temps. For a change the hands were nice and toasty! Next "longer" run in the cold I am going to wear my bottle on my waist .

The run, well it was 5K North on the second of Glenelg , turnaround and 5K back! Heavy to moderate snowfall with a few cm of fresh stuff on the ground. I passed a total of 2 cars, good thing because I was running in a tire track pretty much down the middle of the road. I shouldn't wear my music but I did and I had one very nice person very slowly creep beside me ... one for the guy in the car.... THANK YOU! Any way I was fairly fast considering the conditions. Garmin said 10K +210/219m at a 5:10 pace , not so kind to my heart at an average of 153 bpm. Its OK though, I need an O2 run ... left a little bit out there!

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