Sunday, April 5, 2009

Speed work at work

Working 12 hours today so I had a little more time then usual in the gym. 12K was done , first 5 at 4:26 , 2 at 4:20 , 2 at 4:10 and the last one at 4:00 for a 43:21 time. Breathing wasn't too bad up to the 4:00 pace . 4:26 was easy! Wore the Acis shoes today , no issues with the knee. Will try the Saucony Paramounts tomorrow.... jury is still out on those shoes!


  1. Hi Ron, Richard from Montreal. Curious about the Fuel 101 numbers you have posted. It's very interesting. You don't happen to remember where you got those do you? I'd like to read a bit more about the science behind it. Like the 1-2L for a half, that's probably directly related to outside temperture? Thanks a lot.
    Go Nathan Canada Team 09!

  2. Richard , its from the Canadian Running Magazine Trail Special 2009 page 67.
