Wednesday, May 20, 2009

10K after dark ...

Little 10K at a 5:43 pace after dark this evening. It was a beautiful warm evening to head out after dark , 21C with very little breeze. In addition to the Tar and Chip Road I introduced 4K of "Tractor Trail" into the night run , lots of rocks and holes. I wanted to see how I would manage under conditions of less then perfect footing and I was pleasantly surprised. There was enough light to get along. When it got tough I took the light out of diffuse mode and went to the high intensity beam . It worked great 8ft out but you lost your peripheral vision . It was kinda like running through a light tunnel.
I am pumped about Saturday , somewhat hesitant to make predicts for my first 50K of the year being that I don't know the course. My gold medal day would be to beat 5:30 , Silver 5:30-5:45 and a bronze 5:45-6:00. The strategy is to go out and try to average a 6:30 pace.
I am have one more easy run on the books before the weekend , the last 5K Run Clinic in Durham Thursday Eve. Friday I am going to try to rest as much as possible and load up with a great pasta meal.

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