Monday, July 27, 2009

Running a tired body

10.2K at an easy 6:26 avg pace today. Started out rough, when I first started to run there was a huge pain in my lower back. I had to walk the first few hundred meters then slowly break into an easy run. The run today was a very methodical pace up or down it didn't change much . Its was similar to how I run between 20 and 30 K in a long race! The legs felt strong but the turnover was slow. I was roofing on the weekend again. 4 hours Sat eve and a big 12 hour day on Sunday. I am leaning out but adding muscle mass ... weight is up a couple of lbs to around 175. More roofing tomorrow! I am going to try to get a least one short run in every day this week and my last LSD before Dirty Girls.

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