Sunday, November 29, 2009

LSD Sunday

30K at an avg 5:33 pace. A little quicker then last week. Used the same fueling plan , nothing until around 18K then I started eating gummies....yum! Definitely an easier run but I was starting to feel it towards the end and I was slowing a little. Runs through the week have been 5K , M-F. I need to introduce a 10+K run between the weekly LSDs. What I am doing now is more or less maintaining my fitness level BUT.... I am up 5lbs to 175. Not planning on worrying about the extra 5 lbs but come 2010 I am going to watch what I eat and cut down or even stop the Beer.

I was a little over dressed today , wore a long sleeve Tech T under my new Sagoi Jacket , where I goofed a bit was wearing running pants. Temps were just above freezing when I started and were close to 5C when I was done. I wasn't too bad but I could have easily wore shorts. Pretty nice running conditions for late Nov , there was almost no breeze and the Sun was peaking through a haze now and again!

I am working Eve the next couple of weeks so its going to be easy to get some longer runs in through the day!

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