Saturday, January 16, 2010

Been Running

A little behind on the blog!

Friday at work I did my usual lunch run . 5K done at a 4:50 pace.

Saturday I did a 37K LSD in 3hrs35 min. Its amazing what you can learn once you get past the 3 hour mark.

Started the LSD at around 10:30 am after downing three cups of coffee.... no food. I had a bag of Gummie Bears for carbs and two bottles of Gatorade ready to go! Temp in the basement was a comfortable 19C. Started with a 1K warm up gradually increasing to an easy 5:45 pace. Held the 5:45 pace until I hit the 21K mark then increased to a 5:30 pace. I held the 5:30 pace until the 31K mark. It took 2hrs55mins to get to 31K ..... a long time but the objective was to get here and then push to my Marathon pace for 5K. By 31k I had picked it up to a 4:50 pace. It felt OK but hard , I was really starting to fatigue as I passed 35K so I checked my pulse on the treadmills heart rate monitor. It said 155 bpm ...NO WAY!!!!! Checked again 155 ...NO WAY!!!! Jumped off the treadmill slapped on the Garmins HRM , guess what 155...OH SHIT!!!! So I geared it down to a 6 min pace until 36K the walked the last K ending 3hrs35mins logged and a 37km distance.

I always thought that I knew my Max Heart Rate , 5 years ago I said high 130's , last year high 120's. Never ever since I started running have I ever thought I could get my heart rate that high. I would run 5K and 10Ks as fast as I could to determine my Max HR... never really paid much attention to it at the end of a 50k Race! A few years ago my minimum HR was the low 60s , now at rest in the high 40's. If its possible to decrease your resting rate it must be possible to increase your Maximum?


  1. In races my average can be in the 160's and peak at 170 but as soon as I see that I start to walk...
