Sunday, January 24, 2010

Creemore Snow Run

Yet another great day hosted by Pierre and Leanne. The Creemore Snow Run was an informal fun run on a 7K loop. A mix of about 2K road and 6K trail and for a change the road was a welcome site for a trail runner. The snow was packed down but was pretty tough going. Every foot plant was different. Some parts were really firm and flat where others were uneven and soft. "Valley" minus the ropes was way easier to negotiate then in the Summer time. Check out Pierre's idea of "no hills" .....

The weather started off pretty good, no wind and just a little below freezing. Did the first two laps with Anne from Hanover. Chatting away time flew by. At the end of the 2nd lap I stopped at the very well stocked aide station. Did the third lap solo. The wind was starting to pick up and I caught a bit of a chill. After the end of #3 I stripped off my sweet soaked clothes and toweled off. When I headed out for the 4th lap I was amazingly cozy. I remained quiet comfortable until I started to climb the hill that wasn't there! The wind was really starting to pick up. After the 4th climb I was really winded nd my legs were feeling a bit tired as a result of the beating they were taking on the uneven surface. I felt like going out for a 5th lap but I had about 3.5 hours in which was about what I wanted to do. The wind was another factor that made me decided not to go again. Instead of going back out I decided to yak about running with some very accomplished runners and hang out by a toasty fire with a Beer and some Hot Soup. Kinga and Stephan were preparing for a 100 miler in Texas and JD was heading to Alaska

for an amazing 2 day 100 mile trek up a frozen river pulling a sled. It was super interesting listening to the prep work JD has put into his adventure. I met yet another Ultra Runner from Owen Sound. On a per capita basis Grey County probably has the highest concentrations of Ultra enthusiasts anywhere in Southern Ontario. Tony as it turns out has posted some rocket fast Marathon times , 2hrs5Xmins.... a very fast guy. Got some really good tips from him. Had chance to talk to Leanne , we compared notes on Treadmill Running. I was telling her about the Horizon CT5.1 that I picket up from Canadian Tire. All good Running days have to come to an end ... took off around 4pm with more great memories from Cremmore thanks to Pierre and Leanne ...thanks a ton guys, I hope I can return the favour some day!


  1. Return the favour??? Allan park run!!! Good times. I wish I could have stayed and chated but had to go. INtresting about Tony and owen sound race eh

  2. Rick (AirForceRunner)January 26, 2010 at 5:21 AM

    Sorry I missed this one...all I've been running is snow trails this year. should have run 9 more metres....LOL!!!
