Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Running

Finished off the month with a 5K yesterday and a 15K Run this morning. Today's run was one of those unexpected times when it just all comes together and you feel like I couk hold the 4:50 pace a walk in the park. It hasn't been a great week. I have felt rather tired and really wasn't sleeping good until yesterday. I didn't do my usual week of Eves before mids so it took me longer to switch around. Also it didn't help that I had a fair bit of pain in my calfs from the Creemore Snow Run last Sunday. I have had an insatiable appetite this week. It never seems like I am satisfied for more then a couple of hours. I am tipping the scales at 176 lbs. Its a bit disappointing do to the fact that I have cut out the beer and upped the miles. I am 7 lbs heavier then Sept 09.

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