Saturday, August 28, 2010

I hate to admit...

One of the greatest fears of any runner is injury! Nothing really bad has happened yet and I hope to keep it that way but....

Last three runs on the treadmill 2-4 K in I had a sudden sharp pain at just below my left knee cap. I had to stop , walk with a limp in pain for a bit then a few minutes later I could run again. I have had all kinds of little aches that I know I should just run through and I am hoping that this issue is one of them.

I am hopeful that it has something to do with the repetitive nature of the treadmill. On Monday I did a 16K road run with no issues what so ever. Tomorrow is the Bay shore 1/2 and I was really looking forward to a fast run but if the knee acts up it could make for a rather slow run. I was even thinking that maybe I shouldn't run tomorrow but the come and go nature of the pain means that its probably something I should just run through.

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