Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Last run in August 2010

Headed out with trepidation today....will I or won't I be able to Run? Robin , my 14 year old son had football practice in Hanover so I decided to go for a run on the community trail. It was a warm morning 25C at 09:00 am and 28C by the time I was done at 10:30 am.

500m in the left knee acted up, walked it off and was able to pick it up again after a few minutes. The trail is an old railway bed, it runs parallel to the Saugeen and crosses it quite a few times. Its fine crushed gravel and meter or so wide. I really like the trail because three is very little change in elevation and the running surface is even but you are still sheltered by trees. Ran the whole trail end to end then cut off on the way back and ran through town. The knee never acted up again but , ran a K of real trail ..roots , rocks and elevation and was able to do a run/walk combo without any issues. I am optimistic that being a little guarded and just running through the troubles will be enough to get me through the issue.

Managed to do 14K at an average 7:33 pace.

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