Thursday, September 2, 2010

Now I did it!

Aggravated my left Knee carrying my 70lb 10 year old on my shoulders.... what was I thinking. Tried to run at lunch and I managed a total of 2K of run/walk... not fun! So I am going to lay off running through the weekend and then I am going to hit the trail on Monday. I find the more aggressive trail stance doesn't aggravate the knee as much as the upright relaxed road stance. Its going to be tough not to run this weekend but with the Haliburton 50 mile race a little over a week away I better take care.


  1. rest up!! now is not the time to take risks or be tough... get the knee ready for Hali! :)

  2. Be careful... soo how long does it take to drive to haliburton?
