Monday, September 6, 2010

Test Run

Did a 16.3K trail run today. The primary objective was to decide if I could do Hali or not this coming weekend. I am pleased to say that I will be doing my first ever 50 mile race this Saturday!

The left Knee acted up early on and things were looking quite iffy but the longer I went the better I got. Initially uphill and flat were good but all downhills hurt. The steeper the decline the worse the pain , breaking=pain. 5K into the run I did a series of 3 hill repeats , a little less then 1K up and then 1K down...about a 50meter gain/loss over 600-800 meters. Every time I went around the knee was progressively better. I was a little concerned because I was favouring my left leg putting more work onto my right leg. Getting past an hour I started to favor the left less and running started to become a mindless effort. Not running for 4 days meant that the legs were fresh with lots of pop in them!

I am going to hang the running shoes up for the remainder of the week. Next time I lace up it will be in Haliburton.

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