Saturday, May 14, 2011

A different kind of Trillium

A different kind of Trillium Run today! It was my 7th consecutive year doing the Mount Forest 10K and it was my slowest by design. After doing endless hours on the trail this week and with the Full Marathon tomorrow going out easy was the order of the day. I didn't know if I could do it but I managed to hold back reasonably well. First 5K were pretty consistent , 5:17, 5:41, 5:35, 5:41, 5:41. I really found my grove at the 5:41 pace. I wish I could say it was super easy but I worked up a good sweat and was breathing at a moderate walk in the park. About 4K in I started passing runners on their way back. All the way to the 5K turnaround I clapped and cheered those in front and then I did the same on the way back for those that were behind me. All the cheering got me pumped and I naturally picked the up the pace to around my Marathon 5:00 effort. Next 4K were done in 5:26, 5:11, 5:13, 4:53. I couldn't help but run my last K at what I usually consider to be my 10K pace finishing it in 4:32. I was hot and winded passing the finish line but for a change I was far from spent and crossed the Matt hands held high at a Garmin time of 53min5sec! Passed the chip removal and headed for the food... cold meat , cheese , yogurt and pizza.

Its off to Mississauga for the full tomorrow. Going out with a couple of first time Marathoners chasing the 4:30 bunny. In spite of the cool wet weather I know we are going to have a good time.

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