Saturday, April 9, 2022

Going Long Friday

 26 km on the treadmill at the end of the work day yesterday.    I was through 25 k in 2:35 then walked the last K.   A few times it felt hard like in any long distance run ,   only a few Ks in it usually hits me but its easy to just run through this one.  Around 13K the watch alerted me that there was a phone call so I slowed to a walk , grabbed the phone then began running again... tough to get going again wish I had never picked up the call but it was somewhat important.  Around 20k I lost my rhythm ,  slowed to a walk , down the last of my G then over the next couple of Ks I got the rhythm back.   I was pretty smooth again at the 25k mark but the HR was beginning to push towards the 140s not quite enough fluids, electrolytes  or calories so I called it a day walking the last K like I always do on these sorts of runs.   Hop to take next weeks " long one" outside but that depends on the weather if its not good then I am aiming for another long treadmill this time 30k.  

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