Monday, September 12, 2022

The weekend of not running, running- Run Woodstock

 That was allot of fun!   Crewing and pacing Grant was a blast ,   run Woodstock didn't disappoint.    I crewed and had a 100 mile attempt here back 2004 ish.  Its a pretty cool event with all kinds of theme races and live music.   Grant asked a few months ago if I would be interested and I jumped at the opportunity to go back.   I didn't register for any races planning on heading out for Grants last two 27k loops.   We traveled to Howell Michigan on Thursday afternoon and stayed the night.  On Friday morning we headed to the race about a 30 minute drive.   We had a campsite and I set the tent up while Grant got ready for his race to start at 4pm.    I saw him off then headed back to the campsite.  Carol Stewart was crewing Steve Stewart  and shortly after the race began she realized that the ever so important drop bag that was suppose to be at the start / finish was 10+ kms away at the wrong aid station.   We toured out ,  picked up the bag then dropped it where it was suppose to be ...crisis averted!  Grabbed some pizza after not enjoying my freeze dried Pad Thai ... for some reason on the trail it was to die for but it wasn't a good choice for dinner!   Figured Grant would be 3.5 to 4.5 hours for the first loop.   He came in at 7:45 pm,  3hrs 45min.  I helped him with his light as well as remove some extra water from his pack.   He was super hot ,  his pack and shirt were soaked ,  I was concerned.    It wasn't overly hot around the mid 20's but it was super humid so cooling was a challenge for him.    I took in the bands and crowds at the race HQ before turning in at 10pm.   I was right next to a porta potty and there was lots going on until midnight when things quitted down in the "Pines".   The 50 mile/50km races started at 6:00 am so the camp was pretty active just a little before 5 am.   I managed a little over 4 hours sleep enough to get me through my pacing assignment as well as drive home when Grant finished.     I was looking for Grants spits but strangely enough they don't list him in the results .   I cant recall what his second split was but it was slower then his first coming in sometime between midnight and 1 am.  I checked in the morning and his third split was at 6:50 am....he had a 6 hour ish lap ,  clearly in trouble walking through the night.   I figured he would come in sometime between 11:30 and 12:30 and it was 12:50 when he was through his 4th lap/100 km.... he was done.   They allow you to drop from the 100 miler in favor of the 100 km finish and thats what he choose to do.    I was already packed and ready to go when he finished so it was a quick shower and we were on the road shortly after 2pm.  Pulled into Varney a little before 8 and I looked at Grant and said that he would probably just be wrapping things up if he had of been successful.       Huge shout out to Steve Hunter who finished 6th overall in a little over 21 hours as well as Steve Stewart who hug in there finishing within an hour of the 30 hour cutoff.   

It was fun cheering everyone on I was disappointed that I didn't get to run but at the same time it was great adventure so much so I am planning to do a 100 at next years event.  

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