Monday, January 30, 2023

Through the miles and the years

 Through the miles and the years,

We've run with grit, with no fears. One hundred ultra marathons and more, A true testament of what we can endure.

Our legs have carried us through the night, Our hearts have beat with all their might. We've faced the heat, the cold, the rain, And yet we've run, again and again.

We've run through deserts, mountains, and seas, We've run through cities, towns, and trees. We've felt the pain, the joy, the thrill, And we've run, for the love of the hill.

We've pushed through the tough and the rough, We've run till we couldn't run enough. For the love of the sport, we've persevered, Through the hardships, we've always cheered.

We've run for those who've come before, And for those who'll come after, We've set the bar, we've broken the mold, A true testament of what can be told.

One hundred ultra marathons and more, A true testament of what we can endure, We'll run forevermore, forevermore, For the love of ultra marathon.

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