Sunday, April 2, 2023

March Summary

March -  139.3 km

YTD   - 428.3 km

 The month started with my last ski trip of the year another week at Whistler.    Hurt my left ribs in a fall and it was quite painful when I started running when I returned.   I had planned to do a long run after the ski trip however I eased back into things slowing it down to a 7:30 pace and doing shorter runs.   Its been almost 5 weeks since I injured myself but I am happy to report  I am 95% recovered just a wee bit of pain.   April is a the start of my Ultra/Trail  runs headign to the Grand Canyon mid month followed by the OutRace spring warm up then volunteering at PYP ( Was late to the registration ).   


SKI Trip X 5 days

Rest Days X 4 days

Run X 22 days 

Only 1 run not on the treadmill a 10K out and back on the 2nd.   Did manage 2 longish runs ,  16 km and 22 km both on the treadmill at a 6:31 pace!   

Me on the left in White,  Chris in the Green 

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