Sunday, July 2, 2023

June Totals + Summary

 June  226.5 km

YTD 1061.6 km

 One race ,  the Mansfield 50k the first weekend of the month.  This was a really great course and a local race to boot!   Started some "Endur" training ... first off everything on the Treadmill is a 6:00 pace.   Stated taking the 6:00 to the rail trail in Markdale and will be building the volume at that pace between now and Endur.  Plan is to get to 20K @ 6:00 pace feeling easy!   Went long twice after the Ultra doing my beloved BV loop.   


29 Runs ,  2 rest days. 

Beach 1 X 9.8 km

Rail Trail 2 X 17.8 km

Treadmill 19 X 85.9 km

Trail 7 X 113 km 

Two races in July ,  21.1 Summit 700 at Blue and the 6 hour Talley in Dundas.    

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