Thursday, July 20, 2023

Not quite as planned

 Some more Endur focused running today heading to the rail trail in Markdale.  Plan was an easy k, 4 k @6:00 pace then an easy K turning around and logging 5k @6:00 pace then a kish cool down.   It got hot ,   27C and then the Sun came out.   I was good going out then managed 3K @ 6:00 pace before gearing it down.   The HR was a wee bit on the high side pushing into the 150's ... OK for the last few Ks of a race but not OK otherwise.  even when I slowed it to a 7:30 ish pace the HR initially dropped to the high 140s then crept back up into the 150's a short time later.    I was only out a little over an hour but thats all it took to start getting a wee bit dehydrated ...never a good thing.    Stopped the clock at 11.5 km.   

Here are the splits 


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