Friday, August 18, 2023

Endur Stage 5 - 25.6K Trail Run

 It was suppose to be an Alpine run but Baden was a no go after the rain last night.  Non the less teh Garmin said we did some elevation coming in at 608 meters.   Didn't really have a goal in mind other then keep it around a 7:30 ish pace.   I finished in 3h8m11s 25th out of 34 finishers averaging a 7:21 average pace.   Was shirt off the first 5 laps then put it back on I was feeling chilled ,  the core in particular.   Temps were in the low teens and there was a strong wind at times.   It started to warm on on the 9th lap so the shirt came off for the 10th and final lap.  Did.    1L of water and 2 GU Gels and a G Shot on the last lap.  Carrieed a hand held for laps 4 and 7 consuming a gel and taking in 500 ml of water.   Didnt need more hydration or nutrition with the weather being cooler and my slower pace.   HR was low through the first 7 laps ,  120's into the 130's on laps 8  and 9 it rose into the 140's and I gave er in the last lap pushing it up into the 150's.   All and all it was another moderate effort push into hard on the last lap.   Only 2 races left this week the shortest ,  a 10K tomorrow then a Full Marathon on Sunday.   

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