Monday, August 21, 2023

Endur Stage 7 - Full Marathon

 Thats a wrap on my 5th Endur Ultimate completing the Full Marathon in 4h56m54sec an average 7:02 pace.   Started at 6:00 am so it was a super early morning.  I didn't have any particular plan in place just an easy full averaging around a 7:00 pace and that is what I did.   The surprise was my super low heart rate.  Fist of 5 laps was in the the high 1 teens the next few laps it was 120s   it wasn't until the end of the race that it pushed into the 130's.    I brought in 500ml + a dixie cup or two as well as a gel each lap.    Looking at the Garmin data the calories burned were 1,952 which explains allot I never went into fat burning mode...or barely.    It go super hot after 10am it was was really starting to play for those still out there running.     I have already register for the 2024 event ,  another "Runcation".  

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