Saturday, June 1, 2024

Huron Shores Rotary 1/2 - Saturday June 1, 2024

 Ran the Huron Shores 1/2 today in 2:11:41.  It wasn't easy but it was a constant run getting slower towards the last few Ks as the HR rose to within a half dozen or so seconds of Max.  I had a super busy week ,  a wee bit stressful to leading up to the race.   That played a bit however I really do need to respect this distance a wee bit more when it comes to hydration, electrolytes and somewhat fuel.    The next time I run the 1/2 is at Blue ,  a different beast all together, I am going to make sure right from the get go I get 700ml/hour of water and depending on how I am feeling and the conditions add some electrolytes and fuel.   The last 1/2 I did was the opening of the Edur Ultimate last year ,  looking back I had similar results with  similar data running this one in 2:14:14.   So yeah ...need to respect the distance.    

 Ran with Raj today he has been doing his homework getting ready for Niagara.   More or less paced him trying to turn as many 6:00 Ks as possible are our splits . 

Held the heart rate in the 130's through the first 10K then in the next 10 let it slide to the 140s up to 150 but not any higher.  Max is mid 160's hit 163 in the last couple of Ks so yeah I was maxed out.   

It was a steady rise in HR right from the get go the drop at 156 has to be false we never stopped.  It really did feel harder then it should have been I didn't expect to breeze through the run perhaps its just that I usually run slow taxing myself going long vs constant running at a moderate speed.   

My cadence really slowed as my HR rose...


So it was a good long run ,  somewhat humbling but its done and so am I.    After the race they hosted the awards in the arena.    The entry included a meal ,   had Pulled Pork on a Bun with a side of Coleslaw and washed it all down with a Beer...very nice!  

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