Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Golden Running in November

Did 12K yesterday and 18K today , South on the 2nd towards Durham and then back! Would have rather been on the trails but it deer hunting week , I don't dare venture off road!

It was really all about the weather , Sun , 20C, stiff warm breeze from the SW ...... IN NOVEMBER ..... I think that there is something up with this whole global warming thing. Oh yeah , I ran in shorts no shirt and a Buff and I was still a bit on the warm side.
The other real story today was the Sun angle on the corn fields and other dead and dying vegetation . It was a sort of Browny , Yellow , glowing Gold colour. Everything was Golden It was Nov , it was 20C , I was in shorts/no shirt and everywhere you looked it was a Gold glow!
I didn't take and music along and found that I spent a ton more time just looking around taking it all in. It was so beautiful!
As far as the knee goes it was OK until a few hours after I was done . Its acting up a bit now , if its not too bad I am going to run again tomorrow.


  1. Man, the weather's been amazing! I am so missing running with my injury, and it it bound to get cold just when I am ready to get back at it... Nice run!

  2. Hey I noticed on RM that you are going to the egg nog jog. How long does it take to get there? Thinking of doing it...
