Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Getting ready for Egg Nog

Getting ready for the Egg Nog Jog on Sunday! Based on this elevation data I did the following in 50:02 on the treadmill.
0-2K , -1% incline @4:00 pace
2-4.2K, 3% incline @5:00 pace
4.2-5K , 0% incline @4:30 pace
5-5.3K, 10% incline @6:00 pace
5.3-7K, 3% incline @5:00 pace
7-9k, 0%incline @4:30 pace
9-10.8K -1% incline @4:00 pace
I followed the above plan more or less trying to simulate the run on Sunday. I feel strong , the knee is good so I think I stand a good chance of breaking 50:00. To do this I am going to have to pick up the pace here and there when I can.
The right knee is kinda funny , when I go hard and flat it gives me no issues what so ever. Do an LSD type pace on uneven surfaces and it starts to act up.

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