Saturday, December 6, 2008

Snowy faster run today

Did a 10K at a 5:10 pace today, fastest out of doors run I have done in awhile! What was that rule about starting your run into the wind? It was about -6C , and I found out in the last half of my run , a strong wind from the S SW ! I did one extra layer of clothing up top today . Has my Acis lined shirt , my Patagonia over top of that then my Sagoi Shell ..... it worked. Maybe a little too well. When I turned and faced the wind I wasn't the least bit uncomfortable. Winds were really strong and it was snowing ... I liked the snow part! Running surface was the best I have had in a couple of weeks , packed snow not icy very good traction. This really helped the Knee allot , no issue during the run or immediately after... slight warming sensation! 8 days to the Egg Nog Jog , think I will be ready. Was originally thinking 55 min , after today I am leaning toward 50-52! Tomorrow will be an LSD , 14 to 16 km at a 6:00 pace.

Monday lower body weights and core.

Tuesday 5K at a 4:10 pace

Wensday 10K at a 6:00 pace

Thursday lower body weights and core

Friday , easy 5K 6:00 pace

Saturday reset!

Sunday 10.8K EGG NOG Jog

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