Saturday, April 11, 2009

25.5K today

First back to back "long" days since my 2 halves in Cuba. Yesterday it was a 21.1K sort of trail run , today a 25.5K +/- 557 m road run. Garmin pace was 5:47 yesterday , 5:21 today. The weather sucked , plain and simple . Yeah it was sunny and about 6 or 7C but there was a howling wind , bitter cold from the N NE . There was just no getting away from it anywhere and the last 8K I was totally exposed running straight into it. This was a tough run , Gelled at 10K, Chocolate GU and 16K it was a Roctane and I also did in 500ml of good ole Gator aid.

I can really see the see the benefit ... I think of the back to back long runs. Its kinda like starting where you left off the day before. I really ran out of steam at around 12K , my times picked up after the GU Roctane , at the time it was feeling quiet fatigued and it felt like I was slowing down when in fact I was picking it up a bit ....there is something up with Roctane for sure!
A week from today it Seaton 26K trail , then in two weeks its the Waterloo Marathon. I have done my last "long" run locally for a few weeks! Tomorrow it Alpine Skiing at Blue Mountain , Monday thru Thurs it will be 5Ks at lunch... 5 min pace and maybe an easy 10K outside too. Nothing long and nothing hard! I was originally thinking of a " nice little jog " through the woods but its not too long , I have a full 7 days to recover and after Seaton I will maybe do an easy 10s and 3 or 4 5's at my planned 5:00 mara pace.
So Seaton I am aiming for a 6:00 pace ... maybe a 2:30 finish, never been there so I cant say for sure. Waterloo is a simple strategy , hold as close to a 5:00 pace as is possible!

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