Friday, April 10, 2009

Country Road/Tractor Trail Run today

21.1K +931/-943m today, it had it all, three water crossings due to flooded roads, lots of snowy sections, mud and more mud as well as a stream!!! Love every minute of it!

I was only 5K in when I hit the was it cold! 10M, 20M and then a 15M crossings ...only a foot or so deep but boy was it cold. Forgot about the wet feet by the time I git 10K. Headed towards Bells Lake and then Traverston. It was a nice day, Sun , a few degrees above freezing and a light breeze from the east. just past townsend lake a couple loud Geese flew directly over my at tree top level. Traverston was cool with the deep Gorge and the thundering water fall. A couple of big climbs along the way and a few K of snow cover snowmobile trails at the end. It will be a week or two before I can get back on the trails. Seaton next week will be my first trail run of the season!
Decided to go out real easy today , still feeling it a bit from my stupid 6K at a 3:58 pace Thursday. Its probably all in my head but I really believed I couldn't push the heart any further , I think I found my fast limit .... doable without death is a Sub 20:00 5K and a 42:30 10K.....THATS IT , maybe. Going to test the 10K in Mount Forest is a month!
Will run tomorrow , probably repeat what I did today if my shoes have dried out.

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