Monday, May 4, 2009

3 Hour Trail Run Sunday

Sunday was my "long run" day. Originally I planned on hitting the road for a nice relaxing 3 hours however there was a wicked cool wind so I decided to take shelter and hit the trails. I didn't worry about pace or distance just have a little fun and go for the designated time. I did my whole run never being further then 5K from home. In keeping with my theme I didn't have any particular route in mind , just followed my whims. Started out trying a new trail just South of the Rocky Saugeen 700m from home. Headed West on what turned out to be a trail to nowhere so I headed back towards where I entered and then crossed the 2nd and headed on a different trail east parallel to the river. After a K of nicely groomed tractor trail I dropped down to the river bank and started following a Dear Trail. No running for more then a K , walking was tough ... large boulders cover in moss , lots of down trees and some real muddy sections. To my left was the river , to my right 30 meter limestone cliffs. I knew I would meet up with a trail that I ran the day before but there was one catch, had to cross the Saugeen River. Its fast flowing with a rocky bottom and only knee deep but man was it cold. The crossing was about 100m wide but it felt like my legs were turning blue. After the river crossing I was on a familiar trail except I was going the opposite way ... weird , seemed like a whole new trail. Looped around almost back to the second then headed into a Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority Forest. Ended up running across the rear of my property crossing the 2nd then heading into another SVCA forest , looped around the back of my neighbours property . I keeping with my theme I choose a route that I avoid until August because it so wet. I blasted right though the mud/water and found it much easier then going around, as a matter for fact I was having a blast! I was 1:55 in and took a brief stop at home for a refill of water and some fresh made chocolate chip cookies .... YUM. It was good to try something this solid! Heading back out I was COLD , I hate stopping. It took a few Ks to warm back up! Throughout this run I was trying to manage the heart rate and breathing to feel comfortable and like I could go forever. There were times when the chest felt tight and I couldn't get enough 02 , I just backed off until I felt comfortable. I was also considering that the cool breeze that I caught now and again may be responsible for the heavy chest felling... lots of warmer weather running ahead I guess I will get my answer soon! For the last hour I headed out behind my house East towards the baseline , again taking trails I haven't run before . Came out near Grey Rd 12 and the Baseline crossed 12 and continued North until I hit another SVCA property. Did a 4 K loop on the trail , saw a Turkey hunter so I made lots of noise so he could tell where I was ..... I wasn't about to be mistaken for a bird! When I came of the loop it was 3K to home on a gravel road, with the exception of two steep hills that I walked I opened it up to a 5:00 pace. Today I am feeling a little tired , working at 4pm so I think I will take it inside for a fast 10K getting ready for Saturdays Trillium Run.

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