Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Executing Saturdays 10K Race Plan

I am working Evenings this week, last night at 11pm I jumped on the treadmill to give my race plan a try. Did the first 4K at a 4:30 pace , I really felt like I was cruising the breathing was good and the effort was easy. AT 4K I ramped it up to a 4:15 pace , I held this for 3K. it wasn't too bad but I was breathing heavier and there were moments of I am not sure I can keep this pace but I kept pushing. At 7K I ramped it up to a 4:00 pace, this was definitely pushing the 02 Max and the HR was pegged but again I had more moments of you cant do this followed by brief intervals of its alright. The last 500m I picked it up to 15.5 kmh then 16.0 kmh then crossed the line with 42:38 on the clock. This is the fastest I have ever run 10K , a few times before I broke 44:00 on the treadmill and my race pb is 44:51. Its a given that I will break 45:00, how close I get to 42:XX I am not sure.


  1. Thanks for your comment on my blog! And good luck on your 10k - sure hope that you have the perfect race with a great finish time. Looking forward to reading all about it too!

  2. Wife of West Grey RunnerMay 6, 2009 at 10:01 AM

    Carrie said

    No time for your wife though....haha

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hi Ron. Good luck on saturday. Sound like all the ingredients are there for a good time. Having done all that milage for the marathon will make the 10k look like a short sprint for you! I'm also chasing a PB 10k this weekend. Have fun!
