Tuesday, June 30, 2009

14C , Rain, Overcast ...last day of June!

16.3K road run this morning. One thing about being a runner is cool wet weather in the summer isn't so bad! Yes I miss the hot weather of last week but it sure is nice for running today. Did my " Townsend Lake " loop , easy at first , picked it up to a couple of quick Ks in the middle , 4:33 and 4:19, then backed off. Covered the distance in 1:30:21 , an avg pace of 5:32. Didn't run Sunday or Monday after my hot 27J LSD on Saturday. It was very awkward starting this morning , right off I had a pain in my upper left chest.... took a few Ks to work it out. Didn't really get into the run until the 3K mark , that was about when it started to rain heavily. Paused and put my ipod in a plastic bag. It took less then a minute but I was slightly chilly when I started back up again .... I don't like stopping! I felt strong throughout the rest of the run , even after the 2K sprint I recovered quick.

Looking forward to Creemore on Saturday. I have been thinking about my race plan. This one is all about going up and down , therefore its going to be all about managing my resources. I will not go out fast , it there is anything left after the first loop I will open it up on the second. A really really good time here would be anything under 6 hours.

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