Thursday, August 6, 2009

5.5k this evening

Just an easy little 5.5K run this evening , brought it up to 5K Race pace for a few hundred meters then back down to an easy LSD type pace. I was originally going to run on the treadmill at work but its failed!!!! There was a brief moment of what am I going to do ... how silly of me , take it outside dummy!

Body is just not feeling up to snuff for what I am about to put it through this weekend. I feel really tired and its hard to pick it up! I think the solution is a couple of Beers and a bag of Gummy Bears at midnight! Its probably just not enough Beer and too much Coffee. Caffeine overload plays havoc with the spunk system.

I am pretty much ready for Sat , ICE and Cooler and all the goodies necessary for a low intensity long duration event. I have never counted calories so much .... need about 1000/Hour!

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