Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Trading roofing for running!

Finished up with the "big roof" Monday afternoon, now my focus is on running! Two races this Saturday , my first 5K and 50 Miler in the same day ... cant wait.

Last night I tested my lighting system with a trail run at 1:00 am. In addition to my headlamp I now have a second light on my belt clip. It really helped to cut down on shadows and when I look away I still have light on the trail. Ran some rocky , rooty , technical trails and didn't have any problems. It was such a lovely night to run , 21C and almost a full moon with cotton ball clouds. It really reminded me of a Caribbean night... warm and embracing. I also carried my Bear Bell so as not to startle any critters , it worked! I sounded like Santa coming through the woods! I ran somewhere between 12 and 13K at a real slow pace... have to check the Garmin data.

This evening I am working so I hit the treadmill for a 5K run at dinner! Started off real slow then at 3 K I picked it up to a 4:00 pace for until 4K then I slowly geared down to my finish.

Made a trip to Owen Sound today for another pair of trail shoes. I killed my Adidas Super Novas roofing!

I am planning on changing regularly during the DG overnight run , shoes , shorts , socks and shorts....going to stay fresh! Been thinking allot about the cooler I am going to pack! Chocolate Milk and Water , Chocolate Cookies, Yogurt , Snickers Bars , Gummie Bears, Meal Replacement Drinks and Beer! I am going to try tyo get a keep tabs on the calorie intake . Need to eat at least 10K over the course of the run.

Tomorrow and Thurs I am going to do a couple of more 5Ks easy. One more 1K sprint at a 4:00 pace! Friday is all rest and prep!