Sunday, August 30, 2009

Back to back long runs

Finally it happened , was able to get in a back to back "long" run. 3 hours yesterday and 2 hours today covering 20K at an average 5:44 pace.

Ran in a new place too. Carrie wanted to go and catch up on some work at the office in Hanover so I saw an opportunity to run the Hanover Trails. The trail system runs parallel to the Saugeen on an old rail bed. Not much in the way of hills so it was nice for the tired legs. At the South End of the trail system it terminates just outside of town. Heading back into Hanover you climb a 30m hill the biggest in town. As you reach the top of the hill there is a big sign ... " Welcome to Hanover the Place To Be". Just beyond the sign is the manciple Cemetery ... big and old but defiantly NOT the place to be ... it made me laugh. Passing by the cemetery I noticed a sign just inside the gate "No Dumping"... OK that was just too funny! Oh the things you pick up on when you are running!

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