Tuesday, September 29, 2009

10.3Ks on the tractor trail/gravel roads today. Took it easy but I picked it up to my "Marathon Pace" a for a couple! The weather was cool , 9C with a North Wind and Rain / Drizzle... what happened to our nice Summer Weather?????? Dressed in Shorts, Compression Shirt with a Long Sleeve Tech T on top and add a running hat. I was actually quiet comfortable once I got going ... could have used some glove..... mental note to self , wear gloves below 10C! Had a stitch at 4K , weird ... at first I thought it may have had something to do with the cold but I was able to run it off and forgot about it in no time. No long fast or hard runs between now and the Toad 50K on Saturday , I do see a trail run or another tractor trail outing again.

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