Sunday, September 27, 2009

21.1 @ 4:55...a close look at my Heart!

OK , this is a bit different but the Blog is all about keeping a record of what I have done and where I am at and even where I want to go with this whole Running thing. Tonight I am working 12 hour mids so I decided to do a 21.1K run on the Treadmill at Lunch. The pace remained a constant 4:55 min/km and I monitored my heart rate. The JPGs are a km by km account of how my heart responded. After the 21.1K was done I did a 1.5K cool down so the total distance covered was 22.5km.

I am a 48 year old male with a Max Heart Rate around 165 BPM

0-1K , as expected a gradual rise.

1-2K, still rising.

2-3K, starting to level out.






8-9k, NOTE ...dip was due to a very quick washroom break













21-22K ... done at a 6:00/Km Pace

22-22.5K ... Walking , about a 12 min pace

Stopped and sitting for 5 min.

Some of the variations in the beginning were due to grabbing a towel , taking a drink and occasionally singing. From around 12-16K I drank 2/3 of my Gator aide. 16-21K was no drinking, I ran out! Its really interesting to see how the heart rate became so consistent when the rhythm of the running was steady for the last 5K.

Over the past year I have seen huge changes , my resting heart rate has dropped from the low 60s to the high 40s and I have lost close to 15lbs. The cardiovascular changes and the drop in weight have helped tremendously!

The next 6 weeks the truth will be told. My Toad and Vulture Bait 50K Goals are to break 5 hours and of the Road2Hope 42.2 is to get it done in under 3hrs30mins. There may be a little too much optimism with my goals....time will tell!

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