Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cruise control at lunch

Took it indoors at Lunch , 5.5K at a 4:55 pace! Felt like I could go forever today , lots of pop in the legs. May get a run this eve!


  1. Hey, you seem very pace oriented. Do you ever just head out for a run and not take stats? BTW I love my Garmin also however once and a while my coach orders me to leave it at home. My watch ran out of battery for my Tuesday Tempo run and I had to try and hit my paces by feel which was not a problem because I had done it before. Last year during a 5 km race my Garmin was not working and I was frazzeled for the entire race not knowing how fast or how far I had run.

  2. Love the numbers but usually comes into paly after the run! Treadmills are numbers in your face! my treadmill runs are for speen and pace. Outside runs not so much , depends. I would want to run without a Garmin in a race but i suppose a watch would do.

  3. You would or you wouldn't want to run a race with your Garmin?(don't you just love typos) I am running Sandbanks 5km on the 20th and am really thinking of leaving my Garmin at home. Although I probably won't.
    You must enter the TOP 10 contest(it ends tonight). My God, your the guy who was in the middle of a 5km race just hours before his next Ultra.

  4. If I am going for a specific time I need the Garmin. But its only now and again that that happens. My last Ultra ( notice I didn't say race ) I easily could have done without the Garmin but I wanted the data afterwards. So here is the deal , next 50K is in 6 days ... I am racing this one and will wear the Garmin , after that its the 50K / Toad /Oct 3 I will go without a Watch or Garmin. Its a 12.5K loop so seeing my 1/4 splits will be good enough ... the rest will be run by feel! This should be fun... thanks for the challenge.
