Saturday, January 2, 2010

15K on a new Treadmill

Sometimes its just such an opportunity that you just cant say no. I had my doubts about buying a $550.00 treadmill but my wife was really keen so I thought what the heck I will go try it out .
and if its OK I will buy it

My first observation was that it was a wider belt and a 2hp motor...just maybe!!!! I waited about 15 minutes for the sales person to find the safety key. Once we got it going I instantly knew that I was going home with one , this thing rocked!

I had the wrong car so I made the 25 minute trip back home for the Durango. Its heavy beast , they all are! Took a couple of hours to assemble , not too bad a job. Leveled the deck then fired it up and all worked well. Had to make a small adjustment to the belt to get it to track properly.

Kids and Carrie had first crack at it , they were really excited about the whole thing. After everyone was satisfied I did a 90 minute run, 15K done at a little slower pace .. 5:30. Its really cold out and we have the treadmill in the room where the wood stove is located! It was a little hot so I had to slow it down. I also believe that its not quiet calibrated and its in Miles not Ks ... hope I can change that. Another good point is that it has a really good bounce to it. Probably makes it a little more of a workout but its very kind to the joints.

1 comment:

  1. Hey wow.. just after we were talking about one. Great I hope you enjoy it.
