Wednesday, January 13, 2010

2 run Wednesday

5K at lunch , 15K after dinner all at a decent pace!

Lunch run was at my 4:50 cruise control!

I didn't throw any wood on the fire after work. Made a quick dinner for the kids and then after the cleanup I headed for old bouncy in the basement! I was pumped , 20C at the ceiling and 17C at the floor! Did 10K at the 4:50 pace then 1K at a 4:40 pace followed by 1K at a 4:00 pace then a 3K cool down at a 6:00 pace.... when I was done I threw some wood on the fire!

Registered for the Trillium 10K today. This will be my 6th consecutive year! I also registered my 9 year old son in the 5K Run ( I think he is hooked ) and my wife in the 5K walk. A woman that I work with entered the 10K in line skate and a friend of my wife entered the 5K walk. The race isn't until May but the price goes up tomorrow so everyone saved a few bucks!

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