Sunday, January 10, 2010

34 km LSD Saturday

Been a busy week, few unexpected things with the family that made it tough event to run at home. Managed an LSD run yesterday on my new treadmill. I knew it would be tough for two reasons ... the heat and the treadmill. I keep telling myself that the bounce is good ... and it is but it also makes for a tougher run. Its more like running trail then running road. The temp in the basement was 24C, went through 3 bottles of Gatorade and it was probably one too few. Even with a reasonable fluid intake I still managed to dehydrate a bit. This was another run fueled by Gummies ...YUM!

Managed to run for 3hrs15min with a 5min cool down. Covered a mere 34km which is an average pace at somewhere around 5:55min/km. Its the next day that I am blogging the run...legs feel it but I really wasn't to take it outside for a shorter one today. Its Sunny and a balmy -6C so I will see if I can fir it in.

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