Sunday, April 4, 2010

LSD Easter Sunday

Managed a 32K LSD today....a tough one! Started great, first 10K at a comfortable 5:19 pace. It was really windy for the first 15K. It was a warm wind and I was quiet comfortable in the full Sun. When I made it to town I did a loop then 19.5K in I stopped for a Chocolate Mile, Snickers Bar and a bottle of water I mixed with some powdered Gator Aid. I got really sweaty waiting to pay but I found a nice spot out of the wind next to the river to eat. While I was stopped I was so relaxed I wanted to have a nap....its like I knew what was coming. I headed off through the conservation area , hit the trails next to the river. After a loop of the park I headed for the road feeling quiet fatigued , I peed and it was quiet dark ...I was dehydrating. I had drank a bottle of Gator Aid , 200ml of Milk and was on my next bottle of Gator Go juice....guess that wind took allot out of me. So for the next 8Ks I practiced my Ultra walk up 5 hills and a bit. It felt just like the Hamilton Road to Hope Marathon and the end of the Toad, I just couldn't muster up a constant run. I was out of breath , couldn't find a sustainable pace....very tough. I think the prime culprit was dehydration!

Yesterdays tough trail race , today's hard LSD was very humbling after ATB. I am preparing myself mentally for the 52K Seaton trail in 2 weeks. My race plan is simple , Ultra conservative. Tomorrow is an official rest day ... I haven't been taking enough. Next weekend its no more then 20+K LSD followed one or 2 10-20K Runs early in the week then 2 rest days before the big one! This should work...I hope!

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