Friday, July 30, 2010

Taking it to the streets

Long run done today , 31.4k done at an avg 5:54 pace. There were a few things that made today different! The biggest factor was cooler and dryer air , it was sunny with the occasional cloud and a nice dry breeze from the North...temps 18-22C. I wanted to churn out a moderate pace and NOT slow down near the end. I pretty much manged to do as planned but I cheated a little. At 12K I stopped for a few minutes and had a small carton of Chocolate Milk...this was the first I drank. Then I decided to climb the Durham Hill at Hwy 6 then loop through town back for more Chocolate Milk at around 20K. The milk went down great , I then decided to have a giant freezy ...YUM! OK this was a little more then an aide station break , spent 10 minutes eating the freezy watching the water go over the middle dam! No there were no excuses for the last 10K , had to be the same as the first and second 10K and that's more or less what I achieved! Got home and decided to jump on the Mountain Bike for a couple of hours ....looking for new trails! Is now the evening and I am beat , really beat ...mission accomplished.

Check out the Durham Hill, its the spike in the middle. More repeats to be done here!

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